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Truffle Studio
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Losing staff? Are you being loved or loving enough?
August 20, 2014
Truffle work with some truly awesome companies that go that extra mile to retain their staff, we equally work with…
The Gift of Sales – how to sell yourself in an interview
August 12, 2014
Having spent my twenties working in PR and then my early thirties recruiting in this area, I’ve seen quite a…
50 shades of grey in London – Our dress code debate
August 5, 2014
Truffle have moved to Blackfriars. We are now part-time shipmates on the HMS President. Having grown up near the coast,…
Is your LinkedIn photo attracting the right attention?
July 29, 2014
Your choice of LinkedIn photo is more important than you may think - As someone who runs a mile when…
Getting overly social – how your facebook updates could stop your career in its tracks
July 22, 2014
We’ve all been there. It’s been a long week in the office until past a sensible bedtime working on a…
Turning 40 – 3 careers and 3 things to consider when looking for a new job
July 15, 2014
Next year is my ‘big 4-0’ – those that have been following our earlier blogs will know that my marvelous…
Turning 30 – Top things to consider when changing jobs
July 7, 2014
I am 29 and turning the big 3-0 next year, to me this feels like a huge change! My carefree,…
Are you a Magpie? The interview questions you should be asking to sort the tin from the gold.
June 30, 2014
Thanks to an article I read once with Bruce Forsyth where he mentioned magpies and how they can bring bad…
Why hiring staff is like dating – are you failing in your search for the perfect person?
June 27, 2014
I have recently been helping a friend write her internet dating profile. My involvement was as ‘sense checker’. Like seeking…
Why you should never have a pet on your CV. Truffles’ basic guide to CV writing
June 23, 2014
If you would like your brain to completely switch off and your mind to go blank, then there is nothing…