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Truffle Studio
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Truffle Studio
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A Day In The Life Of…Truffle’s Social Media Dad
June 14, 2018
Adrian is a former BBC journalist turned social media strategist who now manages all of Truffle Talent's social channels, he's…
Work lessons learned from being a parent
March 10, 2018
Work lessons learned from being a parent (or what I now know from being a working mum) I’m a parent.…
The unexpected counter offer
September 13, 2016
There's nothing quite like the lure of the sea and the warm feeling of soft sand between your toes to…
Make hay while the sun shines!
July 20, 2016
Why applying for jobs in the summer months could be the best thing you ever did..... Are you a fabulous…
Decision, decisions….. Should I take that job?!
August 25, 2015
Job-hunting can be stressful; a multitude of uncontrollable factors need to be “just so” in order to make your search…
Why your CV is not getting you the job…
April 28, 2015
Your CV is just a piece of paper (maybe two pieces) but this piece of paper could be the difference…
The Pro’s and Con’s of having your own business..
February 24, 2015
Truffle is like a lot of small start ups that have seen an opportunity in the market and acted on…
‘Be kind to working parents day’ : 10 tell tale signs of a working parent on the tube…
October 21, 2014
So many evenings (and mornings) I see the usual crowd on the tube from St Pauls where I dis-embark and…
The lucky 13 invaluable interview tips that will get you the job
September 9, 2014
With nothing better to do the other day I worked out how many people I had interviewed over the past…
Keep Calm and Hug a Recruiter
September 2, 2014
Recruiters don’t always have the best reputation. In fact, I think we register somewhere between estate agents and car salesmen…